About Nautika

Nautika - a Canadian company
Our Brand Values Quality, Design and Sustainability. Three brand values that illustrate our commitment to creating exceptional experiences. We set our standards extremely high to ensure that every time you use a Nautika sink, range hood or step into a Nautika shower or bathtub you can feel the difference.

Nautika Design
At Nautika, design is more than just aesthetic. It is a quality feature and targets ideal balance between form and function. The result is the joy you experience every time you use our products.
Ongoing research allows us to bring world-leading technologies for bathrooms and kitchens into your home. Our products have been manufactured to last a lifetime, to be both easy and intuitive to operate and to make the use of water a pleasure.
This commitment to deliver the most relevant and contemporary designs in the industry illustrated by our products.

Nautika Quality
Everything at Nautika comes with a seal of quality. All our products’ components, ease of operation and solidity have to withstand numerous endurance tests – the highest in the industry – and pass with a perfect score before the products leave our supplier’s and our own distribution warehouse. Our products are put through their paces and shown no mercy. Sinks, showers, bathtubs and range hoods and all the components that go with them have to go through simulated effects of many years of daily use – with especially hard water. Nautika quality goes well beyond an article’s normal life cycle and, should a certain product be discontinued, A1:G25 parts remain available.